Thursday, December 29, 2016

Resolutions: January

I feel like making a new years resolution can become such a dreaded, expected and failed exercise we feel guilted into every year. So many people, including myself, choose resolutions that will impress others and not so much ourselves. 

Mike and I sat up one night earlier this week talking about our lives. How we spend our time with the kids, how we spend time with each other, how we wish we spent time with the kids and each other. Our lives are busy without us even realizing it. We talked about what we would like to improve about ourselves, what we could be better at in our everyday routines. There’s a lot because we are imperfect people and we know we need to reach for goals that help us become better parents, spouses, children and friends.

I didn't want to pick a resolution that I know will be too difficult to keep up with in our busy day to day chaos. Earlier this year a friend shared how she focuses on one good habit each month. In order to perfect a habit it usually takes about three weeks. It makes sense, I know for me, when I begin a new workout series it takes me until the third week to actually feel like I’m not getting my butt kicked and the exercise is enjoyable.

This year I’m going to try just that. Start with one good habit and with each new month choose a new habit to improve while keeping up with the previous months’ habits. For starters Mike and I decided we need to be better about dating each other. We are terrible about carving out time each week for one another. It’s busy with three babes and everything else we’re involved in, so we’re starting January with dating. Setting up a date, one day, every week. We’ll swap every other week so we both have to take the initiative and it can’t include a house project...Lord help us!
This is going to be fun and creative! I’m excited to share our dates on here as well, but I’d love to hear some of your favorite dates ideas...Share them in the comments below!


\\ Photos by Marla Lynna Photography \\


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