Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Playroom Makeover

The playroom is the one room that has gone through the most makeovers. In the last 5 years it’s been painted four times. If you remember we’ve done the chalkboard wall, gray and white stripes, plain white and now this deep aqua color. I love changing up a room even if it’s multiple times for a couple reasons...
1) painting a room is one of the most inexpensive ways to completely change a space and
 2) I truly believe your home should always be evolving with your style. 

Prior to this weekend the playroom was painted a shade of white with a lot of white furniture. It’s safe to say white is my safety net because anything can go with it, but all the white on white was boring me and I needed a change. Cue a few of my favorite IG accounts, one in particular, Chris Loves Julia. In their last house they painted their den a beautiful dark and moody color and added accents of wood. It was gorgeous and I knew the playroom would be the perfect room to do something similar. This room has a large double window with lots of natural light and white colored furniture to pop. 

We started with a few different paint samples and chose Sherwin Williams Still Water. This color is so beautiful, but the tone can change depending on light and accents in a room. In the playroom it pulls more green, but in our kitchen it pulls more blue. (Yes, we painted a small section on the side of the kitchen cabinets to compare). It makes the room super cozy and warm and it’s feeding into all the fall vibes.

This room is also doubling as our homeschool room and we desperately needed a larger kids sized table. I didn’t find anything I loved without spending much more than I wanted so Mike and I planned to build one ourselves. However, early last week we realized we still had our old tall dining table and decided to up cycle it for the playroom. Mike trimmed the legs down to about 24 inches that fit our current chairs nicely and I gave it a coat of primer and white trim paint we had leftover in the garage. A crazy simple way to save money and reuse what we already had in the house! 

I absolutely love how our white furniture pieces pop against the new color. The cabinets we purchased from IKEA over the summer have become the focal point of the room, but they’ve also created so much storage for us. It houses so many of our playroom favorites including all our art supplies, block sets, puzzles and games. I planned to share more about our playroom favorites, but since I want to share more specific items with you I’m going to save that for its own post. 

To completely finish the room we’re ordering an additional set of chairs and on the hunt for a different rug to bring in a little more contrast. The kids are definitely looking forward to more seating, but more than anything they love how this room has become more and more of a space for them and I’m excited to create a space they love! 

Glass Door Cabinets \ IKEA
Play Kitchen \ Pottery Barn Kids
Rug \ Rugs USA
Chairs \ Target

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