Wednesday, January 21, 2015


For months leading up to our due date, I was nervous how Kensi would adapt to Finn. She turned 2 over the summer and had definitely started showing signs of the 'terrible two' phase. We tried to do as much one on one time with her as we could, but again wondered if it was really the best thing to do because what if she expects that sort of attention even more? Like I said, I was nervous and pretty much expecting the worst. We had planned for lots of family to visit just after Finn was born to relieve any stress on me or Kensi. 
Now just over six weeks later, I don't even know where to begin. My world has been rocked in a way I never expected. Why does everyone warn you of all the hiccups that are expected, but never warn you about all amazing moments you're about to embark on? Sure, there are times when Kensi will ask me to put the baby down so I can dance with her around the baby toys and yes she can be very smothering when all she wants to do is look at him 2cm away from his face all the while trying to kiss and hug him, but most of the time she wants Finn to be part of everything she does.
She has surprised me in more ways than I can count since Finn’s arrival. She knows when I need help. She is so eager to get Finn's diapers and wipes for every change. She happily picks out his clothes in the morning. She loves setting up is toys on the blanket for him to look at. She even gets books that she can read and she actually reads to him! She soothes him by giving him his binkie, singing a song, telling him mommy is coming or gently rubbing his arms. They snuggle, smile and listen together. I have never seen a sibling bond like theirs.

Maybe it’s because she’s a girl, or maybe it’s just her personality, but whatever it is God has blessed us with an amazing daughter and big sister to Finn. I really don’t know how much more my heart can take, but I’m more than happy to find out.

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